Algerian Journal of Arid Environment “AJAE” <p><span class="tlid-translation translation" lang="en"><strong><span title="">Algerian Newspaper Of Arid Environment "AJAE"</span></strong><br><span class="" title="">Edited by the University Kasdi Merbah Ouargla</span><br><span class="" title=""><strong>DOI:</strong> S10.12816 / 0008911</span><br><span class="" title=""><strong>ISSN</strong> 2170-1318 <strong>.EISSN</strong>: 2588-1949</span><br><span class="" title=""><strong>GLOBAL IMPACT FACTOR:</strong> 0.654 for the year 2015</span><br><span class="" title=""><strong>INDEX COPERNICUS:</strong> 5.25 for the year 2013</span><br><span class="" title=""><strong>Editor in chief:</strong> Pr OULD EL HADJ Mohamed Didi</span></span></p> en-US (OULD EL HADJ Med Didi) Thu, 15 Jun 2023 10:05:52 +0000 OJS 60 PHYTOCHEMICALS CONTENT, ICP-OES METALS DETERMINATION AND PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF CONSUMPTION OF DATES ROBE ON ANEMIA DISEASE RISK IN HEALTHY WOMEN <p><em>The robe is made from the date palm fruit for the use in nutritional and medicinal fields. The main aim of this investigation was to identify the phytochemical and mineral contents in two varieties of date "Robe" Ghars and Tekrmist (Tantbocht) of Algerian </em>Phoenix dactylifera<em> L</em><em>. </em><em>and to evaluate the effect of consumption of dates robe on anemia disease risk in healthy women. The amount of all metals was determined by ICP-OES technique. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of phytochemical compounds were estimated by using standard protocols. Two groups of 20 volunteers healthy women in each one were chosen to eat 8g of robe Ghars and Tekrmist (Robe) twice a day during 15 days. Some biochemical and hematological parameters were measured. The qualitative and quantitative results of phytochemical analysis revealed that Robe of Ghars and Tekrmist rich by reducing compounds, flavonoids, terpenoids, saponins and tannins, however they are characterized by the absence of alkaloids, in addition the both dates robe contain an important quantity of total sugar. Results indicated that Robe of the both varieties was considered as the principal source of essential elements (Ca, Na, K, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn). The consumption of dates robe Ghars and Tekrmist during 15 days led to significant increase in serum folate, cobalamin and ferritin, and no significant change in the other parameters. We concluded that dates robe " Robe" of Ghars and Tekrmist varieties of </em>Phoenix dactylifera<em> L. contains important nutritive and bioactive compounds may have significant potential for to protecting against various diseases including anemia disease.</em></p> Samir DEROUICHE, Sara CHETEHOUNA, Ouidad ATOUSSI, Imane Yousra GUEMARI ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 15 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 DYNAMIQUE SPATIO-TEMPORELLE DU COUVERT VÉGÉTAL EN ZONE SEMI-ARIDE: FORÊT DE DJEBEL BOUTALEB (ALGERIE) <p><em>The vegetation of Algeria, in particular of the semi-arid regions, has undergone profound modifications during its history. The Boutaleb forest massif, located in a semi-arid zone (province of Setif); presents an important floristic potential, which is threatened by the persistence of several factors of anthropic origin, causing a regression of the vegetation. This requires vegetation monitoring to support sustainable forest management of these environments, which is now possible thanks to satellite imagery. The objective of this article, is to study the spatio-temporal dynamics of the vegetation cover of the said forest, between 2010 and 2021; based on remote sensing and the GIS tool. The methodological approach of the work is based on the use of Landsat satellite image data of two types: TM and OLI for two dates 2010 and 2021 (period of 11 years), and the calculation of the NDVI vegetation index, to identify changes in vegetation cover between the two dates chosen. The processing of satellite images showed a very significant spatio-temporal variation in the vegetation cover, indeed the analysis of the vegetation index (NDVI) and the production of the vegetation change map showed a decline and a significant degradation of the vegetation cover of the study area, between 2010 and 2021, of more than 21%. This regressive dynamic of the plant cover is justified by the intervention of several factors due, mainly to anthropogenic action (fires, overgrazing, etc.). The use of spatial remote sensing, makes it possible to highlight the degradation of the plant cover, and therefore to analyze the risk factors (natural and/or anthropogenic), and the future scenarios for the degradation of this ecosystem.</em><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Key words:</em></strong><em> Boutaleb Forest, vegetation cover dynamics, remote sensing, NDVI, anthropogenic action</em></p> <p><em><strong>Mots-clés</strong>: , , télédétection, , action anthropique</em></p> Asma BOUCHELOUCHE, Meriem HANI, Rafika LEBAZDA ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 15 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 THE INEQUALITY IN PURCHASING BEHAVIOURS FOR SHEEPMEAT IN THE TIARET REGION (ALGERIA) <p><em>While using the microeconomic approach of the Keynesian function of households’ consumption in a basket of products and services, the study compared the purchasing behaviour of sheepmeat from urban to rural areas. In this respect, for 3 months (June to August) 2020, a survey collected data from 316 rural households in Hamadia and urban households (Tiaret) based on random sampling. Hence, it revealed an inequation in purchasing behaviour in terms of expenditures of income y1 = 0.0142x + 749.37 and y2 = 0.0107x + 688.09 (Tiaret and Hamadia), along with a volumetric consumption y’1 = 0.0164x + 228.33 and y’2 = 0.0131x + 503.76 at the expense of the countryside. Besides, the demand for this meat represents a constant in the food supply of all populations (76.83% of urban dwellers and 62.5% of rural surveyed individuals), but unevenly increases in terms of consumption in carcass weight, the proportion of the food budget devoted to it and residence. In addition, the progress of urbanisation, purchasing power and socio-demographic parameters inevitably calls for greater consideration of the demand for mutton with a constant food supply for the entire households</em></p> HADJER Azizi, ATCHEMDI KOMI Apedo ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 06 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 IDENTIFICATION ET CARACTERISATION BIOCHIMIQUE DES ARTEMIA DU MILIEU SAHARIEN: CAS DE LA REGION DE OUARGLA <p><em>L’objectif de la présente étude est d’évaluer la valeur nutritive de l’Artémia collecté au niveau d’un drain situé dans la région sud de la ville de Ouargla. Les caractéristiques physico-chimiques de l’eau ont été étudiées in situ mensuellement de novembre 2016 à mars 2017. Les échantillons d’Artémia destinés à l'étude biochimique, ont été triés selon leurs stade de développement, taille et poids mesurés, identifié, puis stockés à -20°C. Les protéines et les lipides ont été déterminés respectivement selon la méthode de Bradford et de Folch. La température de l’eau du drain, fluctue entre 15°C et 25°C. La salinité varie entre 65,22 et 71 g/L. Le pH varie entre 3,78 et 8,43. l’oxygène dissous varie entre 3,49 et 4,77 mg/l. Il a pu être identifier l’espèce peuplant le drain de Ouargla, qu’il s’agit de l’</em>Artemia parthenogenetica <em>diploïde signalée pour la première fois à Ouargla. La taille moyenne des mâles et femelles sont respectivement de 8,20 ± 1,16 et 13,40 ± 2,15 mm. Pour les Nauplius est 197,14 ± 23,22 µm. </em><em>Le taux moyen des protéines chez les mâles d’Artémia est de 75,41 ± 28,59 mg/l. Chez les femelles est de 62,23 ± 4,66 mg/l, chez les nauplius, on enregistre 40,83 ± 18,77 mg/l. En effet l’étude de la composition biochimique des femelles, des mâles et nauplius d’Artémia peuplant le drain de Ouargla, a permis de dégager l’importance nutritionnelle; ce qui indique que cette espèce est apte à être exploiter en aquaculture</em></p> HIDOUCI Sabrina, GHOMARI Sidi Mohammed, MAAMRI Ibtihaj, OTHMANI Imane ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 15 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 INFLUENCE DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT SUR LA QUALITE DES EAUX DOMESTIQUES DE QUELQUES LOCALITES DE LA CUVETTE DE OUARGLA (SAHARA SEPTENTRIONAL EST ALGERIEN) <p><em>The maintenance of the quality of drinking water from the exit of the treatment plant to the consumer's tap is a major concern of those responsible for the distribution of drinking water. The quality of domestic water of some points of domestic water in the basin of Ouargla, are studied over four campaigns spread over the months of February, March, April and May 2011. It appears that the free residual chlorine ranging from 0.1 mg/l to 0.6 mg/l, is sometimes not consistent with the standards following the campaigns, especially the 3<sup>rd</sup>. The pH values are neutral or slightly basic. The temperature of the spring water is between 25°C and 26.7°C, in the distribution network, it varies according to climatic variations. It ranges from 16.4°C in winter to 28.7°C in spring. The biochemical parameters which are considered as indicators of microbiological pollution, show a presence of ammonium exceeding the Algerian standards at some points. The hygienic characteristics of the water samples studied, reveal the existence of total germs at 22°C and 37°C in the distribution network. But, it is to be noted the absence of total and faecal coliforms, faecal streptococci and Clostridium sulphito-reducers</em></p> HAMDI Wassila, TOUIL Youcef, OULD EL HADJ Mohamed Didi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 15 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 RECHERCHE IN SILICO DES PROTEINES ASSOCIEES A LA TOLERANCE AUX METAUX LOURDS CHEZ LA PLANTE HALOPHILE DU GENRE Atriplex <p><em>Pollution from heavy metals is a major environmental problem for agricultural soils and air. In addition to the </em>in vitro<em> and / or </em>in vivo<em> approach, the </em>in silico<em> approach, using the bioinformatics tools, proves to be an alternative to identify rapidly to exploit the molecules (genes and proteins) responsible for heavy metal tolerance in plants. This allows a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms in question. Our study focused on the halophilic </em>Atriplex canescens<em> species. The results obtained via the NCBI molecular database, allowed to identify a family of proteins associated with heavy metals in the species </em>Atriplex canescnes<em> (Purch Nutt). This kind of proteins is responsible to metallic ionic transport and detoxification. The search of similarity sequences using the BLAST tool, showed a significant function similarities with others proteins of the same family in different plants such as </em>Chenopodium quinoa<em> willd., and the plant models like </em>Arabidopsis thaliana<em> L. and </em>Medicago truncatula<em> Gaertn</em></p> AMOURI Adel Amar, CHERIF HADRIA Wafaa, BELKHODJA Moulay ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 15 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 EFFET INSECTICIDE ET ANTICHOLINESTERASE DE L’EXTRAIT AQUEUX FOLIAIRE DE L’ORTIE Urtica dioica L. (Urticaceae) SUR LES LARVES L4 DU Culex pipiens L. (Diptera, Culicidae) <p><em>This study focuses on the toxicity of the aqueous leaves extract of Nettle </em>Urtica dioica<em>, collected from El-Golea in the septorienal Algerian Sahara, on </em>Culex pipiens<em> L. larvae L<sub>4</sub>. The study shows that the percentage of cumulative mortality is proportional to the applied dose; the extract at dilutions 100%, 80%, 60%, 40% and 20% caused 100% larval mortality after 9h, 11h, 12h, 48h and 72h, respectively. The estimated lethal times 50 (LT<sub>50</sub>) are 1min 8', 35min, 1h65 min, 9h79 min and 21h60 min recorded in larvae treated with 100%, 80%, 60%, 40% and 20% doses respectively. The estimated lethal dose 50 (LD<sub>50</sub>) was 0,0446 mg/ml. The treatment of </em>Culex pipiens<em> larvae L<sub>4</sub> with increasing doses of </em>Urtica dioica<em> extract significantly decreased cholinesterase activity. The most noticeable inhibition is that of 100% dilution which decreased the activity to 2,89 ± 0,48 nano-mol/ml/min. The study of the biological effect of the aqueous leaf extract of Nettle provides interesting insecticidal and anticholinesterase properties to nettle against </em>Culex pipiens<em> larvae</em></p> HAMID OUDJANA Aicha, ZEGOUBA Bouchra, LAHLAH Bachira, KEMASSI Abdellah, OULD EL HADJ Mohamed Didi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 15 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 STUDY THE EFFECT OF SUN AND MICROWAVE DRYING ON QUALITY OF CAMEL MEAT (Camelus dromedarius) SLICES <p><em>Drying is still considered to be an efficient and important process used for food preservation. Several drying methods are commonly used, so it would be interesting to compare them. The comparison could focus on the quality of the dried products, which is mainly dependent on changes occurring during processing. In the current contribution, an experimental study of drying camel meat (</em>Camelus dromedarius<em>) by two methods, namely direct sun drying and microwave drying, is performed. The investigation is carried out to determine the adequate better drying technique for camel meat from the region of Ouargla, </em><em>southeast Algeria. Under pre-treatment in a saline solution during 30 minutes of soaking, the samples used are slices 8 mm thick, 100 mm long and 20 mm wide. They are characterized by the initial water content of 73.38 ± 0.13%, the protein content of 19.77 ± 0.05%, an ash content of 1.123 ± 0.009 and a lipid content of 3.72 ± 0.05%. The sun drying experiments are carried out at an average temperature of 21.55°C and average relative humidity of 28.57%. The microwave drying is carried out at a power of 180 and 270 W. At the end of drying, kinetics, rate drying, duration drying, organoleptic properties (color and size) and nutritional values (protein and lipid) are determined in each case. Although drying in the microwave is faster and shorter, the results show that the samples sun dried are better. Indeed, sun drying shows a shrinkage rate of 43.63 ± 0.37% against 56.75 ± 0.36% at 180 W and 57.65 ± 0.32% at 270 W for microwave drying, with total color differences of 20.59 ± 0.48 against 24.63 ± 0.73 at 180 W and 23.10 ± 0.70 at 270 W for microwave drying. Protein content increases significantly after sun drying (49.44 ± 0.21) and microwave drying (45.30 ± 0.02% at 180 W and 40.64 ± 0.01 at 270 W). The results also show lipid preservation of 84.13% during sun drying and an increase in ash content in both drying processes from 1.123 ± 0.009 to: (i) 4.235 ± 0.015 at 180 W and 4.266 ± 0.037 at 280 W, in microwave drying; (ii) 3.903 ± 0.07 during sun drying</em></p> RAHMANI Youcef, KHAMA Réda ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 15 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 APPORT DES OUTILS GEOSPATIALES A L’ETUDE DE LA DYNAMIQUE SPATIO-TEMPORELLE DE LA FORET D’AÏT BOUZID (HAUT ATLAS CENTRAL, MAROC) <p><em>The present work presents the results of the study of the spatio-temporal dynamics of the Aït Bouzid forest between 1984 and 2019 (35 years), based on remote sensing and GIS tools. In fact, our study area covers an area of 12'060 ha, its location in the central High Atlas (near Lake Bine El Ouidane) gives it several favorable conditions for a very remarkable dynamic. In order to study these dynamics, we used Landsat (1984 and 2001) and Oli (2019) satellite images to study the evolution and spatialization of the Aït Bouzid forest for a period of 35 years. Analysis of the database of the forest dynamics map between 1984 and 2019, shows that bare land covers 32.7% of the study area, so this class was developed on the areas that have been degraded of the forest with 25% (thus a progression of 14.7%). On the other hand, despite the presence of new areas of growth and expansion in the forest with 16.6%, there has been a 14.7% decline in forest area (between 1984, 2001 and 2019). This evolution is justified by a combination of several factors: topographical (slopes, altitudes and exposure of slopes), climatic, geological and even anthropogenic. The treatment results and the accuracy of the classification have been verified and validated by field checks</em></p> HILI Aïman, JAA Farid, REDDAD Hanane, BOUSSENA Ayoub ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 15 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 EFFET HEPATO-PROTECTEUR D’EXTRAITS BRUTS DE POLYSACCHARIDES DE FEUILLES D’Oudneya africana R. Br. (BRASSICACEAE) SUR L'INFLAMMATION AIGUË INDUITE PAR L'ACETATE DE PLOMB CHEZ DES RATS Wistar albino <p><strong><em>.-</em></strong><em> This work focuses on the study of polysaccharides from the leaves of Oudneya africana R. Br. (Brassicaceae), a spontaneous plant with a medicinal character harvested in the region of M'Rara wilaya of El Oued (northern Algerian Sahara). The extraction of water-soluble polysaccharides (PHOA) gave a mass yield of 7.24%. The determination of the composition of PHOA obtained, by colorimetric assays, indicates levels of 50.63±0.07% in total sugars, 47.95±0.002% in neutral sugars and 21.20±0.001% in proteins. Analysis of the monosaccharide composition by high performance anion exchange chromatography coupled with a pulsed amperometric detector (HPAEC-PAD) found the presence of l-arabinose (11.4%), d-galactose (13.3%), d-glucose (19.7%), d-mannose (46%), d-galacturonic acid (8.3%), and d-glucuronic acid (1%). The study of the hepatoprotective activity of the extract is carried out in vivo on male and female rats of the </em>Wistar albino<em> strain by oral poisoning with lead acetate. At a concentration of 100mg/kg, the PHOA fraction shows antioxidant activity by significant suppression of the increase in malondialdehyde (MDA) levels and the decrease in reduced glutathione (GSH) levels in liver and kidney tissues observed after exposure to lead. Histopathological analysis of the livers indicates that PHOA has a hepatoprotective effect in female rats while they note a decrease in the intensity of hepatotoxicity in males, which makes them a potential agent for the prevention of liver damage.</em></p> MEHELLOU Zineb, YOUMBAI Asma, BOUAL Zakaria, GARDARIN Christine, PIERRE Guillaume, DELATTRE Cédric, MICHAUD Philippe, OULD EL HADJ Med Didi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 15 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000