Revue des bio ressources 2024-01-09T11:41:28+01:00 Open Journal Systems <p><span class="tlid-translation translation" lang="en"><strong><span title="">Biannual University Review in the Sciences of Nature and Life</span></strong><br><span title=""><strong>Edited by</strong> the University Kasdi Merbah Ouargla</span><br><span title="">(<strong>ISSN</strong>: 2170-1806)</span><br><span title=""><strong>Director of Publication:</strong> Prof. Abdelkader KHELIFA</span><br><span class="" title=""><strong>Editor-in-Chief:</strong> Prof. Abdelmadjid CHEHMA</span><br><span title=""><strong>Email:</strong> revue.brs @</span></span></p> PAUVRETE ET DE CULTURE, À TRAVERS LE CACAO EN CÔTE D’IVOIRE : CAS DES CACAOCULTEURS DE LA LOCALITE DE MEAGUI 2024-01-09T09:57:33+01:00 Drissa KONE <p>This article aims to understand and try to shed light on the relationship that exists between cocoa cultivation and poverty. It is based on the collection of data from quantitative and qualitative surveys carried out during our research in Côte d'Ivoire and on a conceptual framework placing at the center of the analysis, the production of remunerative income and the living conditions of cocoa farmers. These seem to be limited by certain essentially political, administrative, fiscal and regulatory obstacles, but also by the low level of capital and necessary investments. They lead cocoa farmers to favor short-term risk management (extensive monoculture, non-renewal of orchards and poor maintenance of fields, etc.), detrimental not only to the ecosystems exploited, but also to economic integration and social cohesion. and human development. A vicious circle then emerges, poverty and deterioration of the living environment of cocoa farmers</p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+01:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## DYNAMIQUE SPATIO-TEMPORELLE DE LA COUVERTURE VEGETALE DANS LA FORET DE CHETTABA 2024-01-09T10:06:36+01:00 Ammar HADDAD Malika RACHED-KANOUNI Amina BELDJAZIA Labed ABABSA <p>Monitoring the intensity of photosynthetic activity in the Chettaba forest is necessary to better understand the distribution and spatio-temporal dynamics of Aleppo pine, including NDVI values at different altitudes, ranging from 774 to 1123 m. This makes it possible to interpret remote sensing data and use GIS to detect changes in the state of vegetation cover. The method adopted is based on 36 Landsat images (TM and OLI/TIRS satellites), forming three scenes 2011, 2014 and 2021; the latter being essentially visual analyzes of images, after eliminating those containing heavy cloud cover. In this study, we analyzed the diachronic evolution of vegetation cover using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data that took place over a 10-year period (2011 to 2021). Our results reveal variations in NDVI values in the plots studied; the highest average values are obtained in 2011 (0.42) and the lowest are obtained in 2021 (0.28). NDVI maps make it possible to distinguish between different land cover classes. Thus obtained, the temporal profiles of the NDVI allow us to conclude that the Chettaba forest experienced average degradation during the period 2011-2014, and continued degradation during the period 2014-2021. In fact, the low values of this index indicate a poor health status of this forest, and the analysis of the NDVI temporal profile shows that the Chettaba forest has clearly deteriorated in recent years</p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+01:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## EXPLORING THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN VEGETATION COVER AND LAND SURFACE TEMPERATURE IN CONSTANTINE A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS 2024-01-09T10:24:03+01:00 Maya BENOUMELDJADJ Malika RACHED-KANOUNI Norhane CHOUITER Abdelouahab BOUCHAREB Labed ABABSA <p>This research focuses on the significant influence of vegetation cover on the distribution of land surface temperature (LST) in the city of Constantine. It aims to study the correlation between the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and land surface temperature (LST) using satellite images from the Landsat 8 and Landsat 9 satellites, specifically the LC08L2SP L02T1 product, as well as images processed on the Google earth engine platform. The main objectives of this study are to collect values of land surface temperature and to carry out an in-depth analysis of the relationship between LST and NDVI. The NDVI is an index for quantifying the presence of vegetation and understanding its impact on thermal conditions. It can therefore be used to establish a link between thermal behavior and the amount of vegetation cover. In this study, the statistical method of regression was used to obtain the correlation between LST and NDVI. The results show a negative correlation between NDVI and LST. The approach of combining LST satellite data with visual information offers an effective method for identifying local warming and cooling hotspots. This approach makes it possible to locate specific areas experiencing higher or lower than average temperatures, which is crucial for monitoring the effectiveness of municipal policies aimed at mitigating the effects of heat stress. In addition, these results can guide future policy decisions by providing valuable information on areas that require special attention.</p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+01:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## EXPLORING THE CAPABILITY OF Hermetia illucens (Linnaeus, 1758) (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) TO RECYCLE ORGANIC WASTE IN ALGERIA 2024-01-09T10:35:41+01:00 Abderrahmene DEHLIZ Rabab FETHALLAH Ibtissam BENYAHIA Hamida HAMMI Hakim BACHIR Wassima LAKHDARI <p>This study is being conducted to find out how to treat waste food by Hermetia illucens (L.). The impact of several diets on the life cycleand size of different development stages of this species was studied. H. illucens lays its eggs in heaps in nesting boxes, with an egg incubation period of 03 ± 0.9 days and a larval phase of 24.21 ± 4.10 days.The prepupa stage lasts approximately 03 days, and the transformation of larvae into pupae begins on the 16th day and lasts until the 41st day after the egg incubation. The sex ratio is 49,34 ±7.62% for females and 50.41± 7.74% for males.H. illucens larvae have an average weight of 0.13 ± 0.03 g, a length of 1.66 ± 0.14 cm, and a width of 0.46 ± 0.05 cm. Pre-pupa weigh 0.17 ± 0.06 g, pupa measures 02.05 ± 0.13 cm in length and 0.52± 0.04 cm in width, and adult weighs 0.03 ± 0.01 g. A hundred eggs weigh 0.0085 g, and the shell of the egg represents 63.42% of the egg.The black soldier fly larva consumes 0.36 to 0.47 g of food during its development, with an average value of food utilization of 75.57 ± 8.53%. At the end of the larval phase, the larvae reached a maximum size of 1.8 cm. The lipids and proteins contained in cheese and quail eggs improved the weight of larvae, resulting in a gain of 0.04 g/larva.H. illucens was bred on mud from a wastewater treatment unit with an average weight of 0.25 g, length of 2.12 cm, and width of 0.58 cm. The findings of this study indicate that food waste in Algeria can be utilized by black soldier fly larvae, resulting in a shorter development period and increased larval biomass.</p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+01:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## LE CAMELIN EN ALGERIE : OCCULTÉ PAR LE PASSÉ MAIS PROJETÉ SUR LA PROSPERITÉ 2024-01-09T10:51:10+01:00 SENOUSSI A/Hakim ABAZI Aîcha BEDDA Hafsia BEZZIOU Saïd BRAHIMI Zakaria KADRI Soumeya LATRECHE Amel <p>In Algeria, the camel is one of the greatest riches and resources reservoir of the Saharan territory. Compared to other farm animals, this species was relegated to the background, despite a past that testifies to a preponderant role in a hostile environment. Due to its legendary sobriety, it is the emblematic animal of the merchant caravan and renowned for its versatility. It appears as an excellent means of locomotion, saddle, with interesting traction capacities in addition to being endowed with remarkable strength for ploughing and the use of noria or delou. Today, the increase in numbers has been accompanied by changes in production systems, while the notable increase in the demand for camel products revealed by the socio-economic changes in nomadic communities, in terms of education and health, have contributed to&nbsp;modifying animal husbandry practices. Indeed, the emergence of new specialized camel systems has disrupted the habits that are now reflected into an increased interest in both the systems adopted and the products related to them. The future of the dromedary would be projected according to a dimension of renewal, the camel sector, local products and camel services are as many assets to consider. It is in this perspective that the present contribution, as a synthesis, attempts to highlight camel breeding in the Algerian Sahara.</p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+01:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PROSPECTIVE STUDY ON CAMEL BREEDING IN THE PROVINCE OF BECHAR 2024-01-09T11:01:33+01:00 BOUKERT Razika SAIDJ Dahia BEKKI Mohammed Yassine SAHRAOUI Naima <p>A prospective study on camel breeding was carried out in the province of Bechar from January to May 2023. For this, we consulted the logs of the agricultural services department, and a questionnaire was sent to 10 camel farmers in order to identify several parameters such as: breeding system, camel population, feeding and the main parameters of camel reproduction. Our results showed an estimated camel population of 12 243 head spread over 6 communes, with a large number (3865; 31.65%) in Abadla and a small number (149; 1.21%) in Knadssa. According to (62%) of camel breeders, the type of livestock system most practised in the Bechar region is semi-sedentary. Five camel populations were observed in the study area. (85%) of survey respondents indicated that camels use wood resources. A higher rate of water frequency (60%) was observed in summer. Concerning reproductive parameters, (84%) of camel breeders said that females are breed at the age of 3years, whereas (56%) indicate that males are bred later at the age of 5 to 6 years. However, (67%) of camel breeders indicate that the period of the calving interval is between 1 and 2 years, (88%) say that weaning is between 7 and 8 months and (75%) report that dry-off is at 8 months of lactation period. Finally, our study has clarified the main characteristics of camel breeding in the wilaya of Bechar. Other studies on this subject should be set up in other regions of southern Algeria.</p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+01:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PRATIQUES DE L’ELEVAGE OVIN EN ZONE MONTAGNEUSE, TIZI OUZOU (ALGERIE) 2024-01-09T11:17:56+01:00 SAIDJ D DORBANE Z IMELHAYENE M BOUKERT R IRID A MOUHOUS A ZIRMI ZEMBRI N Kadi S.A MEFTI KORTEBY H <p>In order to study several aspects of the breeding of small sheep at the wilaya of Tizi Ouzou, 60 farms located in the region are the subject of our survey. The majority of breeders surveyed belong to the middle age group, being their main activity. The farms are of the meat type and generally have a small number of animals (less than 40 heads). The diet is based on grazing and sometimes supplementation with concentrates. A certain diversity of sheep breeds should be noted with the predominance of the Ouled Djellal breed as well as crossbred animals. Autumn and spring are the main breeding seasons with the most popular breeding method being semi-intensive and the practice of natural mating. The number of young per year is 2 to 3 lambs per female. Mortalities affect ewes much more often due to respiratory pathologies and lambs at birth from twin litters. Pastures are essentially the sources of food with supplementation depending on the seasons. The livestock buildings are not equipped.</p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+01:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## FEED RESTRICTION AN INNOVATIVE CHALLENGE FOR THE PROFITABILITY OF RABBIT FARMING IN ALGERIA, A REVIEW 2024-01-09T11:22:09+01:00 IMELHAYENE Meriem SAIDJ Dahia <p>Recent research in rabbit farming has focused on studying the impact of proper nutrition on rabbits during the growing stage. This is done in a proposal to find an effective strategy to reduce health problems in animals during weaning, while also considering the technical and economic aspects of this type of farming. Our study aims to clarify the effects of different types and quantities of dietary restriction on rabbits and their performance, based on various studies and research that have addressed this topic. Therefore, this research serves as a comprehensive summary of previous studies on dietary restriction in rabbits during the fattening stage. The results of these studies demonstrate the effectiveness of dietary restriction as a strategy, which can be adopted to achieve the desired economic goals of markets and consumers, as well as health-related objectives and overall profitability in rabbit farming projects.</p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+01:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PALM GROVES, AN IMPORTANT REFUGE FOR AVIAN SPECIES IN THE ALGERIAN SAHARA 2024-01-09T11:31:10+01:00 CHEDAD Abdelwahab Horo Abdelkader BOUZID Abdelhakim BENDJOUDI Djamel GUEZOUL Omar <p>We conducted an avian count from November 2017 to October 2019. This qualitative and quantitative study at the level of an artificial environment, in the case of the palm grove d’El Hadjed in El Ménea, provides an objective inventory of the birds' diversity. A total of 48 species have been identified by researchers, distributed among nine orders and 19 families. The order Passeriformes is the most dominant, with 11 families and 36 species, or 75% of the recorded species. As for Muscicapidae, the Sylviidae are the best represented, with 11 and 5 species, respectively. Depending on phenological status, there are17 species of passage visitors (35.42%), 18 breeding species, of which 13 are residents (27.1%), and 5 are migratory species (10.42%). 12 species (25%) represent the winter visitor birds. At the national level, executive Fiat Algerian law (N°12-235) protects 8 species, or 16.67%, while Ordinance (06-05) protects one other species (Peregrine Falcon). Two species have an international status of "near threatened" (Lanius senator), while one species is classified as "vulnerable" (Streptopelia turtur). Shannon index values fluctuate between 2.91 bits (2018) and 2.99 bits (2019), and evenness index (E) values fluctuate between 0.56 bits (2018) and 0.62 bits (2019).</p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+01:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## MENU TROPHIQUE DU GUEPIER D’EUROPE Merops apiaster L. DANS LA ZONE MONTAGNEUSE DE ZIBAN (BISKRA, ALGERIA) 2024-01-09T11:41:28+01:00 TORKI S BELLABIDI M SAADI H BAKROUNE H GUEZOUL O MARNICHE F <p>Our study is carried out in three honey-producing regions, Djamoura, M'Chouneche and El-Kantara, using analysis of reject pellets to study the diet of the European Bee-eater Analysis of reject pellets revealed a high species richness in the M'Chouneche (S M’Chouneche = 51 species). The species Apis mellifera accounts for a large percentage (AR% = 70, 65%) of the total prey eaten by European Bee- eaters at El-Kantara. The fairness value (E) is E = 0.77 in Djamoura, with the recorded diversity value is H’= 1.20 bits. In the El-Kantara site the fairness value is less than 0.5, which explains a certain dominance of a prey species (Apis mellifera) in the Bee-eater menu in El-Kantara.</p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+01:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##