Instructions to authors

Instructions to authors
The articles could be written in two languages: Arabic, French or English. Before being accepted, they
should be subjected to two expertises : scientific and linguistic.
The total number of the pages of the article depend upon its nature : original (15 pages), synthesis ( 08
pages), case study ( 06 pages). The articles should show non published results. And those of synthesis and case
study should be synthetic without illustrations.
The articles should be submitted to the electronic address in the TNR form for the txt and the JPG
form for illustrations.
The corresponding author receives, after expertise and acceptance, a free PDF copy of the article, and a
free copy of the Journal.
To allow a permanent state and a large circulation for the Journal, subscriptions will be proposed on
the University’ s web site, and in the Journal for particulars, institutions, and students with reasonable prices
depending on the category and destination.
The text should be in the TNR form ( size 12 ) with line enumeration. The title of the article should be
in the language of writing and in English in the TNR form ( size 14 and bald) , and is followed by the authors’ s
names and in the TNR form ( size 12) with addresses and e-mail addresses in the TNR form ( size 10), with an
asterisk on the corresponding author.
The summaries should be written in the language of writing, Arabic or English, and in the TNR form (
size 10 in Italics) The summaries should include five key words in the maximum.
Illustrations must not go beyond five, and they should be mentioned and numbered in the text in
Arabic figures (figure, picture 1, 2, etc.) and Roman figures ( table I, II, etc.).
The bibliographical references should not be solely selective of Journals’ articles, books, and articles
from books. They will be classified according to the order of their appearance in the text from which they will
be called for by their number placed between parentheses:
- Example of a Journal : Maduakor H., 1991 - Efficient fertilizer. Fertilizer Research, 29: 65-79.
- Example of a book : Steel R., Torrie J., 1960 - Principles and procedures. Mcgraw-Hill, London, 433 p.
- Example of an article from a book: Tal M. Selection for stress tolerance. In : Evans D.A., Shap N.R.,
Ammirato P.V., eds. Handbook for plant cell culture. New York : Macmillan, 1992 : 101-112.