The Journals of Kasdi Merbah Ouargla University is a set of academic publications whose main purpose is the presentation of scientific and academic research work. This set of periodicals publishes original writings (in Arabic, English, and French) from both basic and applied research. They are intended as a forum for exchanging ideas and experiences with other national and international institutions; an instrument of dialogue between academics; and a forum dedicated to the animation and discussion essential to the promotion and development of university research.



    La revue Aphorismos publie des articles scientifiques originaux et évalués de qualité de par son adhésion aux principes du code de déontologie de l’édition et de la prévention de fausses pratiques.

    Revue semestrielle éditée par l’Université Kasdi Merbah Ouargla (Algérie]

    ISBN : ***-****-***-**-*   Vol. 1 – No 1 –  Octobre  2024
    Dépôt légal : 2e semestre 2024

    UN PALMIER-DATTIER en partage


    Pr. Saïd SAÏDI, Univ. Batna 1 (Algérie)

    Pr. Foudil DAHOU, Univ. Ouargla (Algérie)




  • Paradigmes

    La revue quadrimestrielle Paradigmes est la publication scientifique du laboratoire de recherche LeFEU- E1572300 (Le Français des Écrits Universitaires) de l’Université Kasdi Merbah Ouargla (Algérie). Publiée en français, la revue est destinée aux ensei- gnants-chercheurs et doctorants ainsi qu’à tous les universitaires du domaine souhai- tant publier leurs travaux. Paradigmes se veut un lieu ouvert de ren- contres et de confrontations entre différents points de vue. La revue privilégie la ré- flexion interdisciplinaire inscrite dans le champ triptyque des sciences du langage, des sciences des textes littéraires et de la di- dactique des langues-cultures. Paradigmes est ouverte à toute proposition de texte qui s’inscrit dans une démarche universitaire rigoureuse. Des présentations de mémoires et de thèses ainsi que des cri- tiques d’ouvrages peuvent être publiées. Les articles doivent être rédigés en français ; ils sont inédits en ce sens qu’ils ne doivent être soumis à aucune autre revue. Les textes doivent être envoyés au format Word pour soumission via la plateforme ASJP suivant

  • Algerian Journal of Arid Environment “AJAE”

    Algerian Newspaper Of Arid Environment "AJAE"
    Edited by the University Kasdi Merbah Ouargla
    DOI: S10.12816 / 0008911
    ISSN 2170-1318 .EISSN: 2588-1949
    GLOBAL IMPACT FACTOR: 0.654 for the year 2015
    INDEX COPERNICUS: 5.25 for the year 2013
    Editor in chief: Pr OULD EL HADJ Mohamed Didi

  • Algerian Business Performance Review

    Algerian Business Performance Review ABPR
    published by: University Kasdi Merbah Ouargla
    ISSN 1938-2170
    Legal deposit N ° 5156/2011
    Edition Director: Prof. Abdelkader Khelifa
    Editor In chief: Dr Saigh Ahmed Ramzi

  • Journal of Quantitative Economics Studies

    Journal of Quantitative Economic Studies Annual international periodical
    Legal deposit number: 6680/2015
    ISSN : 10332437
    E-ISSN: 2602-5183
    Publishing Manager: Prof. Dr. / Khalifa Abdel kader
    Editor-in-Chief: Dr / Bin gana Ismail
    Deputy Editor: Dr. / Arraba Al Haj

  • Revue des bio ressources

    Biannual University Review in the Sciences of Nature and Life
    Edited by the University Kasdi Merbah Ouargla
    (ISSN: 2170-1806)
    Director of Publication: Prof. Abdelkader KHELIFA
    Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Abdelmadjid CHEHMA
    Email: revue.brs @

  • Annals of Science and Technology

    Annals of Science and Technology
    Edited by Kasdi Merbah University Ouargla
    Legal deposit: 3519-2005 ISSN 2170-0672
    Director of the Review: Pr Mohamed Tahar Halilat
    Director of Publication: Prof. KEMASSI Abdellah
    Editor in Chief: Pr Fethi KHELFAOUI

  • EL BAHITH Journal in Social Sciences and Humanities

    EL BAHITH Journal in Social Sciences and Humanities
    ISSN: 2170-1121, EISSN: 2600-6049
    legal warehouse N: 2010-3405
    Director of Publication: Prof. Abdelkader KHELIFA
    Chief Editor: Pr Abdelfetah Abi Mouloud

  • Cahiers of Politics and Law

    Cahiers of Politics and Law
    University Journal of Rights and Political Sciences
    ISSN: 1112-9808
    Legal deposit N: 2526/2009
    Director of Publication: Prof. Abdelkader KHELIFA
    Chief Editor: Pr Bouhania GOUI

  • Algerian Review of Studies In Accounting and Financial

    Algerian Review of Studies In Accounting and Financial
    Uviversité Kasdi Merbah Ouargla
    Legal deposit N °: 1239/2015
    ISSN: 2437-0215
    Publication Manager: Prof. Dr. Khalifa Abdel Kader
    Editor in Chief: Dr. Hajjaj Abdel Raouf
    This journal is Open Access

  • Algerian Review of Economic Development (ARED)

    Algerian Review of Economic Development (ARED)
    Kasdi Merbah University Of Ouargla Algeria
    ISSN 5302/2392
    Dépôt légal N° 5483/2014
    Edition Director : Pr Abdelkader KHELIFA
    Editor In chief : Pr: Nawal BEN AMARA

  • al-alama

    Legal Deposit Number: ISSN 2478-0197
    Director of Publication: Prof. Abdelkader Khalifa
    Editor in Chief: Dr. Ahlam bin Sheikh
    Email to the magazine:

  • Al Athar

    Al Athar
    University Journal in Letters and Languages
    ISSN 1112-3672
    Legal deposit N 392/2002
    Director of Publication: Prof. Abdelkader KHELIFA
    Chief Editor: Pr Laid DJellouli

  • الذاكـرة

    دورية أكاديمية محكمة تصدر عن مخبر التراث اللغوي و الأدبي
    في الجنوب الشرقي الجزائري كلية الآداب و اللغات
    ISSN 2335-125X
    مدير النشر: أ. د عبد القادر خليفة
    مدير المخبر : أ.د. عيساني عبد المجيد
    رئيس التحرير : د. عبد القادر بقادر
    This journal is Open Access

  • مجلة الباحث Mağallaẗ Al-Bāḥiṯ = el-Bahith Review

    International annual refereed journal of applied research in economics, commercial and management sciences, Multilingual (Arabic, English, French).
    E-ISSN: 2437-0843
    P-ISSN  : 1112-3613
    Legal deposit N°: 110/2002
    OPEN ACCESS Journal, Licensed CC BY-NC 4.0
    Editor-in-Chief: Pr. BEKHTI Brahim

  • Semi-annual academic journals in literary criticism and its terminology


    A scientific refereed journal issued by the laboratory of criticism and its terminology at the Faculty of Arts and Languages ​​at
    the University of Ouargla.
       This journal deals with studies focused on criticism in language and literature in particular, and studies corresponding to
    linguistic and literary studies in general, therefore; Everything that is subject of criticism is concerned with this magazine
    in order to develop the faculty of thinking and creativity, and to scrutinize and scrutinize scientific issues, and accordingly
    the journal will seek to publish research that is the essence of criticism in the following studies:

    -Language Studies

    -Literary Studies

    -Terminology studies

    -Islamic studies specified in the field of (jurisprudence and its fundamentals, Sharia and law, Islamic history and civilization,language and Quranic studies).
    BI-annual academic journals in literary criticism and its terminology
    ISSN 2253-0029
    Chief Editor: Pr Houssine DAHOU

  • Revue science et technique des activitées physiques et sportives

    Revue scientifique et technologique des activités physiques et sportives
    Université de Kasdi Merbah Ouargla
    ISSN: 2661 - 7668.
    Directeur de l'édition: Pr Khelifa Abdelkader
    Rédacteur en chef: Dr Brahimi Kaddour
    Rédacteur en chef adjoint: Dr Ayad Mustapha
    Courriel: revuestaps.ouargla@gmail .com